Tuesday, November 20, 2012

CeCe Frey Gives New Interview, Discusses Her Best Friends Leaving and Her Comeback!

CeCe Frey gave a new interview with Wet Paint to discuss her best friends leaving, her determination, and her X Factor comeback!

What worked last week when you jumped from #12 to #5?
Honestly, I don't know what I did that made me jump so much. I still am in shock because of it. I don't want to say this is a crazy comeback for me, because I'm sure the moment I say it is when I get kicked off this freaking thing. I think I poured my heart and soul into my thing last week and I let America see my heart on stage. I'm going to give it that shot again this week, and maybe take it to a whole other level.

Did you celebrate last week?
Honestly, after that, I wanted to go out and celebrate a bit in the ways that a 21-year-old can celebrate. But we went right to work. We went into figuring out what we're going to do to stay in this #5 spot. I think even go up some — that would be cool! So I went right to work, because I can celebrate later, and whenever I win. But right now is all about work and not getting distracted.

Is it easy to get distracted?
I always try to keep an optimistic attitude.  It's been hard to keep that the past couple weeks, because I've always been in the bottom. Especially when the judges gave me the comments Wednesday, I thought for sure I would be in the bottom two again, and probably go home. It was a double elimination. I thought, There is no way in hell I'm going to stay. When I got #5, I couldn't believe it. So, I'm trying to remain really positive because if I let myself feel defeat, that's when my drive will leave. I'm staying very optimistic and driven to win this thing.

Are you relaxing after making the Top 5 last week?
There is absolutely no room to relax, ever. Even if I win this thing, there is no room to relax. I'll be happy, but won't be satisfied. I will always be hungry to work and keep climbing. The work in this industry is never work. If anybody can handle it, it's me.

How adamant are you about picking your song choice?
Obviously, I do my best to pick my own songs. But there are always people — 100 people have different opinions on this show that I should be doing something different. So I try to put as much of a fight as I can to keep my song choices. Maybe if the judges didn't like it last week, that was the song I wanted to really do, and felt. This week is the same. I think that's the common denominator.

What's the most emotional part of the process?
Definitely saying goodbye to people. Then, the fear of saying goodbye if I'm the one that has to leave. Last week, my best friend Jennel got left. My other best friend Lyric, and roommate, left. That sucks, to have to say goodbye to someone every week. It sucks waking up the next morning, no matter how happy you are, to an emptier house. That's very emotional. It's very hard.

What else do you have to say for yourself?
When I was little, I had an imaginary pet eagle named Mayahute. I was young, like 6 or 7.

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